Turkish Special Athletes Sports Federation


The Vision of the Turkish Special Athletes Sports Federation is to leave our special athletes sports service, richness of life and permanent elements with its institutionalized structure, qualified sports staff, scientific and innovative approaches.


The Mission of the Special Athletes Sports Federation of Turkey is to create an archive of special athletes, to increase the recognition of special athletes in cooperation with schools, clubs, print and visual media, all individuals and organizations, to ensure their integration into society and to represent them at the highest level in international activities as the only institution authorized to determine, regulate and supervise all national and international activities in Turkey.


Established with the ministerial approval dated 22/12/2000 and numbered MDK-333; The Turkish Mentally Disabled Sports Federation was granted administrative and financial autonomy with the approval of the Prime Ministry dated 22/05/2006 and numbered 182 in accordance with the provision of the additional article 9 of the Law No. 3289 on the Organization and Duties of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports.

The name of the Turkish Mentally Handicapped Sports Federation was changed to the Turkish Special Athletes Sports Federation as published in the Official Gazette dated 10.02.2009 and numbered 27137.

Strategic Plan

Organizing provincial championships in 81 provinces, introducing every special child to a sports branch, raising public awareness by organizing local and national sports events on special and national days.

To raise the number of licensed athletes to a higher level and to train elite athletes with a high level of training and a higher level of performance than in previous years. To increase the quality of our athletes who come to our national teams and to provide environments where our athletes can train throughout the year. To develop the infrastructure by creating B and C National Teams in addition to the A National Team. To expand our National Team portfolio. To ensure that our athletes achieve the highest level in international competitions in which our federation participates, especially in Paralympic branches.

To bring our coaches to the same level as the coaches who train athletes in other countries, as well as to make our coaches more equipped by cooperating with academicians working in universities in addition to coaching seminars in order to reach higher levels.  To ensure that success is increased.

To represent our country with more representatives in international committees by improving our relations with World Federations.

In addition, to use our budget in accordance with its purpose and in line with the determined targets, to increase our in-kind and cash sponsorship activities in order not to be satisfied with the budget given to our federation, to carry our corporate development to advanced levels by cooperating with brands, to bring facilities to our federation.


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