Serbian Society of Autism

Foundation was established in October 2018 by a group of family members of persons with autism.

It is non-governmental, non-profit organization established to pursue general – welfare goals, improve social and health protection, improve the position of persons with disabilities, care for children, young people and the elderly, in particular:

  • Improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and autism and their families with the focus on protecting, promoting and exercising of internationally established standards in the field of human rights and civil liberties.
  • Improving and raising public awareness about the needs of people with autism and intellectual disabilities. 
  • Encouraging and implementing activities on a wider social agenda that emphasize the abilities of people with autism and intellectual disabilities and contribute to the development of their potential, the strengthening of their personality and integration into society.
  • Improving and educating the public about the problems, potentials, rights and obligations of people with autism and intellectual disabilities.
  • Providing material and any other assistance to people with autism and intellectual disabilities.
  • Achieving the full integration of people with autism and intellectual disabilities and their families into all segments of social and economic life.
  • Providing and enabling the fulfilment of conditions for the independent life of persons with autism and intellectual disabilities.

While the Foundation may be young, its founders and associates are family members and professionals with extensive knowledge and experience from the field of autism and intellectual disabilities. Particular areas of interest and the direction in which Foundation is and will be aiming its activities are issues of youth and adults with autism, i.e. housing, employment and health care. In addition, Foundation is devoted to education of families and professionals, with special interest to insufficiently spoken or problematic topics.

At the moment, Foundation is participating in three Erasmus + projects:

1. Inclusion of People with Autism in Europe. Improving scholar transitions from primary to secondary school.

This project is focused on the following specific objectives:

  • Improvement relationships in school between students with ASD and their peers and classmates.
  • Training teachers from primary and secondary schools working with people with ASD in order to provide them with strategies to improve the academic performance of people with ASD and to reduce their anxiety/stress symptoms associated with scholar issues.
  • Taking advantage of the ASD families experience in order to develop tailored involving endusers in order to identify and validate the curricular and training requirements. The school vulnerability of students with ASD during this particular transition will be also tackled by developing guidelines for teachers and video guidelines for students so that they can learn how to interact with pupils with ASD, helping them to face school demands.

2. Training University Teachers for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

This programme is addressed at teachers and professors at the University level, to improve their knowledge about intellectual disabilities, the specific educational needs related to them, and the different possibilities to adapt their subjects for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

3. Boosting Parental Involvement in ECI;

FHZ works with Eu & pro on this project and develops innovative methodologies for early intervention methods in early childhood under the leadership of EURLYAID. The main target group of this project is families with children with disabilities of 0-72 months. With this project, innovative educational materials are produced for families.


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