The Czech Association Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities

The Czech Association Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities was established in 1992.

It is an association of independent sports clubs, experts, clubs and physical education units, or other organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as clubs) that influences the physical education, sports and tourism activities of a social group of athletes with intellectual disabilities.

The members of the association are main athletes with intellectual impairment, their accompanying persons – regardless of age.

Athletes with intellectual disabilities are young people who, on the basis of pedagogical-psychological examination, proving a reduction in mental abilities, are educated and educated in schools and facilities for the intellectual impairment – practical elementary school, special primary school, primary school (integration) in a special educational program, practical school, vocational school, institutional social care for the mentally handicapped or in another facility of a similar type.

Czech Association for Athletes with Intellectual Disability (ČSMPS) adheres to established rules, visions and frameworks of in international organization Virtus that supports a classical pyramid sport system, which is used on European, World games or Paralympic games.

Czech teams represent on international events organized by Virtus, International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and SU-DS (organization for athletes with Down syndrome). Czech Association is a member of all these organization, there has been starts good cooperation and participation on events, workshops and conferences. Czech association has only one paid staff for full time job; there are 5 members of executive committee, who are paid as part time job.

All association has 2 248 members, in 32 clubs. It doesn´t have any learners, members are athletes, coaches and parents (if they want to participate on training or competitions). Czech Association organizes sports and physical activities in these sports – athletics, basketball, cycling, floor ball, futsal, football, skiing, football, swimming, cross-country running, tennis, table tennis and rowing.

We organize training and competition activities in all sports. Our athletes compete at the regional, national and international levels. We organize regular tourist tours, designed for people with major disabilities. We have a new bowling sport. Czech Association has many experiences with organization international event.

The biggest one were Global Games in 2009 in Liberec, the last one was World Championships in table tennis in 2017 in Hradec Králové. Other world championships were in tennis, cycling, cross country running.


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