In Terms of Coaches
It is vital to develop cooperation with the family to train ID athletes. Since 90% of our federation’s coaches are just sports-based and have no special education background, the Federations and volunteer coaches are unable to work together effectively.
As a result, despite their (coaches) success in sports, they are inadequate in family and non-sports management. They face difficulties in guiding parents of ID athletes due to a lack of available information and key competencies in this regard.
In Terms of Families
Families with ID athletes are also quite insufficient in guiding or approaching their children as well as cooperating with coaches. Families’ skills need to be developed to ensure ID athletes have both more successful and sustainable sports careers. The families are very inadequate in guiding their children and supporting them in non-sports activities.
The overall objective of the project
The specific aims of the project are
As a horizontal target
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