Project Result - 1
The aim of this training module:
This intellectual output resulted in a 148-page module. It is aimed to equip coaches of special athletes with basic skills in special education and family support and to ensure that federations have reliable resources for coach training on this subject.
Target Groups:
Coaches of ID athletes, Special Athletes Federations & Relevant Private Sports Clubs and Families of ID athletes
The tentative content of the training module is the following:
- Aspects of coaching individuals with intellectual disabilities
- Understanding the training needs of coaches of ID athletes
- Basic Characteristics of ID Athletes
- Special Athletes’ Sports Capacity and Differences
- Health management of ID athletes
- Family psychology perception
- Collaboration processes with the family in non-sport activities
- Maintaining communication and coordination with families of ID athletes
- Planning home-schooling activities (sports supportive activities) for the family members
- Monitoring the progress of training and explaining to the family members
- Supporting families with ID athletes for organizing training routine
- Developing families’ mental health and building communities among families of ID athletes
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Project Result - 2
Framework Program to Families of ID Athletes
With this output, it is aimed to equip the families of special athletes with the minimum skills to support their children’s sports careers, to strengthen the mental health of families as well as their children, to provide a standard family education program to participating federations and to increase their competencies in cooperation with coaches.
Target Groups:
Special Athletes Federations & Relevant Private Sports Clubs, Families of ID Athletes, and Public/Adult Education Center
The tentative framework program:
Handbook for parents of athletes
Influence that sports activities have on persons with ID
- 1. How sports activities can influence health and well-being of persons with ID
- 1.1 Nutrition
How sports activities can influence on mental health of athlete and family members
- 1.1 Nutrition
- 1. How sports activities can influence health and well-being of persons with ID
Adequate sports activities for all
1. Levels of activities (physical activity to sport competition) and how to decide which way child can be involved in sports activities
2. How to recognize and fulfilled child’s needs and potentials
Cooperation with coach (club, federation)
1. In what level parents should be involved in training sessions and making decisions
Dealing with potential problems athletes can meet (lack of motivation, maladaptive behavior…)
- Activities for children with ADHD, autism, different levels of ID
- How to relax and help child to relax before important sport events
- Asking for help from different professionals (sport professionals, special educators, psychologists, MD of different specialization
Gaining help from sport’s professionals, organizations and federations
1. System and ways of financing ID athlete’s activities, clubs
2. In which way parents can participate in clubs, sports organizations and federations
System of competing athletes with ID in different countries
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